With the release of every new Horizon version the accompanying release notes are ofcourse a very interesting read. One of the things that are now even included are items about products that are not per se a part of the solution, but are close to it. Nvidia GRID is one of those. When you are going to size a VDI environment based on Nvidia GRID, Windows 10 and multiple monitors, be aware of this snippet from the release notes.
To reduce the possibility of memory exhaustion, vGPU profiles with 512 MB or less of frame buffer support only one virtual display head on a Windows 10 guest operating system.
The following vGPU profiles have 512 Mbytes or less of frame buffer:
Tesla M6-0B, M6-0Q
Tesla M10-0B, M10-0Q
Tesla M60-0B, M60-0Q
GRID K100, K120Q
GRID K200, K220Q
Workaround: Use a profile that supports more than one virtual display head and has at least one GB of frame buffer.
There is also no support for Instant clones based on either Windows 8 or 8.1:
Windows 7 and Windows 10 are supported for instant clones, but not Windows 8 or Windows 8.1.
The entire release notes can be found here: